Blessed to do a lot of different work over the course of this past year. I picked out a few favorites + photos that mean a lot. Here they are in no particular order!

Blessed to do a lot of different work over the course of this past year. I picked out a few favorites + photos that mean a lot. Here they are in no particular order!
I shot with Allegra the same day I shot with Cory. I would only be in NYC for the day so why not fit in both! I especially liked when we shot on the jetty towards the end of the day. Super serene since the water was calm and still all day.
Allegra's Instagram here
I met up with Cory, and another model Allegra (that set will be up soon), to shoot into sunset on Coney Island. This was my first time at Coney Island and I think it's safe to say I will only be coming back here for shoots in the future. Had a ton of fun, check out a few of my favorites below.
Cory's Instagram here
This was a little outdoor wedding from early May. It was a small intimate ceremony with only family and close friends in attendance. Here are a few of my favorites from the day of. I am certainly looking forward to doing more couples, engagements, and weddings this summer. Click here if you're looking for more information to book a session.
We originally planned on shooting sunset, but there wasn't much of a sun out that day. But, no complaints for a perfect overcast sky.
Maddy: @madsmoyer
I'm doing the Journal a bit differently this time. Check out the vlog from this shoot as well as the full photo set below. Jump to 3:44 in the vlog if you want to skip to the photoshoot
I reached out to Christa due to a mutual friend recommending that we shoot together. I originally planned on shooting some clothes for a job. However, I had just shot a bunch of clothes and accessories at that morning's sunrise. So I decided to just shoot for fun. It's a great feeling to just go in with half an idea and see what you come up with.
People in this journal: Christa
Some new work for State and Union featuring products made by United By Blue and Red Wing Heritage Boots. The day started out way too bright and the lighting was super harsh. But we ended up getting lucky with a perfect overcast sky about 30 minutes into shooting.
I also added in some photos from some other State & Union work.
People in this Journal:
During the last few weeks of January, I was lucky enough to start partnering with State & Union a lifestyle store in Kennett Square, PA. I also did a lot of driving, and a bit of hiking, and took a ton of photos.
People in this journal:
Test shoot with Jessie of Management Models
This past Christmas eve I got to take a quick drive with a few friends to shoot a little bit. I met up with AJ and Jimmy around 11. It had just begun to rain which meant perfect overcast skies to shoot under. We drove about an hour south of where we live and ended up in Middletown, DE to meet up with AJ's friend Emilee. We parked in a random spot downtown, and got to shooting. The four of us ended up being incredibly hungry and cut shooting a little short to grab a bite before driving back to Kennett. I proceeded to inhale a plate of buffalo wings combined with a Sam Smith cider (great combo, btw). I've got some photos down below but easily the best part of this was getting to catch up a bit with AJ and Jimmy on our hour or so long drive both ways. It's always great to catch up with friends, especially on a nice rainy day.
People in this Journal
AJ - @ajweberphoto
Jimmy - @jmckenzie2
Emilee - @emileesetting
I've really enjoyed shooting on film lately. For about a year or so my film camera collected dust, and was just something to show people when they came to see me. "Hey look I have this camera from 1978!"
It's been really rewarding to get out there and shoot film from time to time. I always have it around my neck on shoots now and love to take a few photos with it here and there. Something always amazes me about film, and I hope you enjoy taking a look through these rolls. The photos in this entry were shot on Portra 160. I bought a roll of Kodak Ektar 100 when I went to have this developed (thanks to indie photo) so that will probably be roll #4.
This roll has photos of Lizzie as usual, and a lot from shoots I did while home for winter break. And of course if you have a favorite from the shots let me know in the comments!
I've been feeling inspired by Brock Sanders and I'm going to start putting rolls of film here on my Journal. Right now I'lll be sharing a few shots from the first two rolls I've gotten back from Indie Photo. And in the future I'll probably start sharing full rolls. The first two rolls are Kodak 400 Gold and Fujicolor 200